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Summary Slides

So I run my own personal portfolio, and I’ve done decently well. Regardless, I could use a more solid underpinning from a valuation standpoint – it’s been a while since grad school. Valuation was one of my favorite classes, and I remember this being one of my favorite textbooks. I need a good revisit.

For me, being able to take material and remake it into teaching material (i.e., summary slides) has always been the surest way I know to really grasp and absorb a subject. And if it helps others, so much the better. Here’s where I’ll post them as I create them – no schedule guaranteed though.

How I think about stocks

In one phrase, “underpriced insight”. I’m pretty addicted to reading news, and I like to think I have a knack for connecting dots “in-between” stories, For example, when I read that Trump was raising tariffs on China and that Hong Kong was increasing protests, the implication was that tensions would rise and Chinese firms would re-route their supply chains – so buy a Vietnam ETF.

These are the second-order effects I look for.  In an environment of algorithmic traders and black boxes, obvious trades that correlate off keywords are instantly priced. The advantage humans have (I hope?) will be in understanding humans.